This blog has served its purpose -- to work through preliminary ideas on IT literacy.
I used it to prepare a few talks and an article on the topic, and, more important, have started teaching an IT literacy course and creating its electronic text.
The electronic text is implemented using two, interlinked blogs as databases. One holds the course teaching modules, the second holds the corresponding assignments.
As such, I will stop posting on this blog. Future entries on this topic will be posted on my blog on Internet applications, implications and technology.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Redirect to another blog
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Examples illustrating ineffective conversational writing on the Internet
We cover the importance of precise conversational writing on the Internet, suggesting practices like careful reading of other's messages, responding to specific requests, meeting commitments one makes, and quoting previous messages when necessary to retain context.
To illustrate these principles, I have posted two examples of ineffective conversational Internet writing. They are example 1 and example 2.
Can you find places in these examples where each of the above practices was ignored?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Writing very short documents -- Twitter posts
Writing short documents is one of our Internet content creation skills. Twitter posts are an extreme form of short document, and they are unique to the Internet (well ... perhaps fortune cookies too).
By spending a couple of minutes on a Twitter post, one can get two or three points across. My posts have gotten longer, approaching the 140 character limit over time.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Knowledge of measures of data quantity and transmission rate are part of IT literacy
A recent FCC survey found that only 20% of home Internet users know their download speed.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Using Twitter and a wiki in a collaborative writing assignment -- student evaluation
Last semester, I used Twitter and a wiki to illustrate collaborative writing and the writing of short documents in a Network News assignment. The student response was positive, so I will repeat the experience.
I started a class Twitter stream for links to current events relevant to our class, and told the students to follow the feed. I posted about 125 items during the semester.
The writing assignment was near the end of the term. Each student selected a particularly interesting post, and summarized it and its relevance to the class in a short document. Once the summary documents were polished, the students added them to a wiki page, creating a collaboratively authored Network News report for the term.
After the term, I asked the students to complete a short questionnaire on these assignments. Thirty three students responded. A summary of their responses follows.
They checked the class Twitter feed an average of 2.4 times a week and, on the average, followed the links in a tweet to learn more 3.2 times during the term. However, ten of the 33 students admitted they checked the feed less than once per week. Dropping them, the averages increased to 3.4 and 3.8. (We have a heterogeneous student body, and I run the class primarily for the benefit of the involved students).
I also asked whether they agreed or disagreed with this statement:
I found several of the articles interesting and useful - I am glad we had the Twitter stream for our class.
Overall, 23 students agreed with this statement. That fell to 19 (in parenthesis) when I ignored the ten who reported checking the feed less than once per week.
- Agree: 23 (19)
- Disagree: 3 (1)
- No opinion: 7 (3)
- Yes, regularly: 7 (7)
- No: 11 (4)
- I will check it from time to time: 15 (12)
- Since I am a CIS Major. I think it good to keep up with what is happening with Technology and IT which is why I like the twitter feed. The Twitter feed has many interesting articles related to IT. I plan to follow the Twitter feed after this class ends.
- The questions did not mention TinyURL, which to me seemed like one of the most useful tools for Twitter.
- It really helps... to know what's going on as far as what's new in the PC world.
- It was fun to learn.
- I learned more about information technology from the links provided on the class twitter. I also shared a lot of the information with friends and family through facebook.
- Yes. It's great! Could you post (and write it on the board during class) when each tweet goes up, and, what each 'tweet' is entitled. Then you could just tell the class 'it's there if you are interested in reading it'. Maybe this can keep the audience for the posts. They (the class) then can't say you didn't let them know when you've tweeted. Please keep including this assignment requirement.
- The ABC's of Twitter: Accuracy, Brevity, and Clarity.
- Yes have Suggest use twitter to the Professor.
- I was kind of disappointed, I think the use of Twitter in this class should be abolished. I really don't think its the revolutionary communication medium that the media tries to make it out to be. I mean, i know that the programming or whatever behind the service is impressive but that doesn't justify our class's involvement with the site. Our first time using it was cool, as people do sometimes need the practice just using things like that on the internet, but it shouldn't be as big a part of the class as it was.
- More in class usage.
- It's easy to view its just a little tedious.
- I would have appreciated any number of Twitter feeds posted on the site from other Networking professionals.
- Its okay but I would have preferred more interaction in class.
- Set a draft aside to let it "cool off" then revise it: 15
- Read a draft aloud then revise it: 17
- Have someone else read and comment on a draft then revise it: 14
- Spell check it: 26
- Grammar check it: 26
- Think about who your reader was and their interest in the topic: 18
- Write a meaningful title to help the reader decide whether or not to follow the link: 19
- Run it through PaperRater: 21
- Include a statement as to why the tweet interested you and how it fit into our class: 21
- None: 3
Monday, December 21, 2009
Educause study on student use of computers and the Internet
The 2009 Educause Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology is out.
The study reports on the technology students use, how it affects their learning experience and their preferences in IT courses. This year's study held focus groups at 4 schools and surveyed 30,616 freshmen and seniors at 103 four-year institutions and 12 two-year institutions. (Longitudinal comparisons dating back to 2006 are available from only 39 institutions).
A few of their findings about students this year were:
- 44.8% post videos on the Web
- 41.9% post on wikis
- 37.3% contribute to blogs
- 35% use podcasts
- 37.7% use VoIP
- 98.8% own computers
- 87.8% own laptops
- 34.5% own both desktop and laptops

(Click the image to enlarge it).
For comparison, Nielson reported that the average American television viewer watched more than 148 hours per month during the second quarter of 2009.
The Nielsen report cited above reveals that television viewing is not falling as Internet usage rises -- where do people find the extra time? If you are a student, how do you compare with those in this study?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Findings from the Pew survey on Writing, Technology and Teens
I just posted a note on an online survey on writing that was completed during spring 2009 by children between 9 and 16 in England and Scotland. The post listed some of the statistical findings.
During the spring 2008, the Pew Research Center conducted a more scientific telephone survey on Writing, Technology and Teens. Some of their findings are listed below.
The methodologies were different, but they covered many of the same issues.
If you are a student, what are your answers to the questions these surveys asked? If you are a teacher, how might these statistics influence your curriculum?
- 85% of teens ages 12-17 engage at least occasionally in some form of electronic personal communication, which includes text messaging, sending email or instant messages, or posting comments on social networking sites.
- 60% of teens do not think of these electronic texts as “writing.”
- 50% of teens say they sometimes use informal writing styles instead of proper capitalization and punctuation in their school assignments;
- 38% say they have used text shortcuts in school work such as “LOL” (which stands for “laugh out loud”);
- 25% have used emoticons (symbols like smiley faces :-) ) in school work.
- 83% of parents of teens feel there is a greater need to write well today than there was 20 years ago.
- 86% of teens believe good writing is important to success in life – some 56% describe it as essential and another 30% describe it as important.
- 48% of teenagers’ parents believe that their child is writing more than the parent did during their teen years; 31% say their child is writing less; and 20% believe it is about the same now as in the past.
- 94% of black parents say that good writing skills are more important now than in the past, compared with 82% of white parents and 79% of English-speaking Hispanic parents.
- 88% of parents with a high school degree or less say that writing is more important in today’s world, compared with 80% of parents with at least some college experience.
- 50% of teens say their school work requires writing every day; 35% say they write several times a week. The remaining 15% of teens write less often for school.
- 82% of teens report that their typical school writing assignment is a paragraph to one page in length.
- White teens are significantly more likely than English-speaking Hispanic teens (but not blacks) to create presentations for school (72% of whites and 58% of Hispanics do this).
- 82% of teens feel that additional in-class writing time would improve their writing abilities and 78% feel the same way about their teachers using computer-based writing tools.
- 47% of black teens write in a journal, compared with 31% of white teens.
- 37% of black teens write music or lyrics, while 23% of white teens do.
- 49% of girls keep a journal; 20% of boys do.
- 26% of boys say they never write for personal enjoyment outside of school.
- 47% of teen bloggers write outside of school for personal reasons several times a week or more compared to 33% of teens without blogs.
- 65% of teen bloggers believe that writing is essential to later success in life; 53% of non-bloggers say the same.
- 72% of teens say they usually (but not exclusively) write the material they are composing for their personal enjoyment outside of school by hand; 65% say they usually write their school assignments by hand.
- 15% of teens say their internet-based writing of materials such as emails and instant messages has helped improve their overall writing while 11% say it has harmed their writing. Some 73% of teens say this kind of writing makes no difference to their school writing.
- 17% of teens say their internet-based writing has helped the personal writing they do that is not for school, while 6% say it has made their personal writing worse. Some 77% believe this kind of writing makes no difference to their personal writing.
- 57% of teens belive that when they use computers to write, they are more inclined to edit and revise their texts.
- 27% of parents think the internet writing their teen does makes their teen child a better writer, and 27% think it makes the teen a poorer writer. Some 40% say it makes no difference.
- 93% of those ages 12-17 say they have done some writing outside of school in the past year and more than a third of them write consistently and regularly.
- 49% of all teens say they enjoy the writing they do outside of school “a great deal,” compared with just 17% who enjoy the writing they do for school with a similar intensity.
- 81% of teens who enjoy their school writing engage in creative writing at school.